50+ Women for the Month of March

This thread is for Women who are 50 years old and up but if you're younger we will welcome you as well.

For the month of March it was suggested to have a group weigh in at the end of the month and see who can reach their goal for the month. Set your own goals and go ahead and weigh in weekly if you want but on March 3st we will all weigh in and report our loss and what other milestone we have met such as no eating late at night, making better choices of snacks, etc. You decide what those goals are.

Have a great day and a great month.

Looking forward to this challenge.



  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    This thread is for Women who are 50 years old and up but if you're younger we will welcome you as well.

    For the month of March it was suggested to have a group weigh in at the end of the month and see who can reach their goal for the month. Set your own goals and go ahead and weigh in weekly if you want but on March 3st we will all weigh in and report our loss and what other milestone we have met such as no eating late at night, making better choices of snacks, etc. You decide what those goals are.

    Have a great day and a great month.

    Looking forward to this challenge.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Well, we just got rid of all the snow in our yard and was able to do some yard work. BUT, we are getting more snow today. 10 inches or so. :explode: :explode:

    I have been thinking of what I want for a goal so far.

    I want to weigh in at 160. I fluctuate so much that if I plateau at 160 I know I am doing fine.

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday morning.

    I'm going to the fitness center. I want to go out to eat AGAIN so I have to burn some calories.

    I have been making good choices. I have been doing this for a year now so I better have learned something. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: Thanks Grammymax for starting the new thread.

    Hope to see new and old friends soon.

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hi again;

    GOAL FOR MARCH: By the end of March I want to be down 6# and to have exercised 4 times each week at the least.

    Let us know your goals and we can keep each other accountable.

    Have a great day,

  • Esperanzas4
    Hi, I would like to be down 4 lbs and have exercised at least times week by March 31.:flowerforyou:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I turned 51 in February so I guess I qualify.:laugh: :laugh: I'll try being held accountable again. It worked the first time.I would like to lose 6 lbs by the end of March too.

    Present weigh 182
    Goal weight 176

    We are expecting snow too, but I'm kinda getting used to it.:tongue: I've here mfp for awhile and I've lost and gained back. I really would like to fit in all the skinny clothes I bought last summer. My long term goal is to eventually get down to 145, but I lost sight of it along the way. I'm an emotional eater and it does a number on me.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'd really like to be down 12 pounds by the end of March. That would be a huge milestone for me, but maybe too tough for a month long goal.
    Hubby & I have been walking, bike riding or circuit training daily for the month of February, & it feels so good!
    I guess my goals are to exercise 30 minutes daily & lose 7 pounds.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    kjllose: Sounds good. Stick around and we'll keep each other on track:wink:

    Georg: Wow 12 pounds in a month is a lot. I think the 7 might be more attainable. Where are you going on your vacation in 3 months 2 weeks and 2 days ? :happy:

    Esperanzas4: 4 pounds is reasonable. The exercise is the most important I think. WE can do this!:drinker:

    I have lost 2 pounds but I had gained 12 so my ticker doesn't show it. :cry: I have to get back down so I can SEE the progress :smile:

    Have a great day,
  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    Thank you so much for setting this up for the month of March. The thought of switching from winter clothes to lighter weight spring clothes is helping to motivate me despite the forecast of 9-14" of snow for tonight.

    Goals: I'd like to be down at least 6 pounds and to continue to do weight training for half an hour 3xweek along with 45 minutes of hard cardio 4 times a week. I also want to continue to log my calories so I can hold myself accountable for everything i put in my mouth.

    I've only been using MFP for two weeks and while my weight has stayed the same, my waist is an inch smaller!! Now, if I can just start dropping some inches off my thighs......that's the first place I gain and the last place I lose. I'm still struggling with the idea of eating the exercise calories - like others, I am not always hungry enough to eat (a major change for me!) and it feels odd to eat just to eat. I am trying to see a connection between the number of calories I eat and what happens to my weight.

    I am so happy to have found a group that shares the same struggle - it really does take a village to support each other.

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning!
    Esther, thank you for getting us started for the month of March.
    My goal is to lose 4 pounds. My 55th birthday is at the end of the month so....I hope I don't blow it at the weigh-in.

    Current weight: 138
    Goal weight: 134 (since I've been on mfp, I managed to get down to 133 and gained back so my ultimate goal of 125 is feeling a little unrealistic. Anyway, for now, my goal is 134)

    As far as a challenge, there are many things I need to do, but I'm taking baby steps to keep it more attainable. My challenge this month will be to add 1 more serving of vegetables per day.

    Good luck everyone with your personal goals and challenges. It's wonderful that we're all here to support and motivate each other as women over 50, with all that that entails.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Sounds like are goals for March are looking pretty positive.

    The support is so important.

    Well, I burned some calories today, so I'm going out to dinner with hubby and some friends.

    My friend is a health nut ....before I got into TAKING CARE OF MYSELF, she would drive me crazy about, what foods she would NEVER EAT, how much exercise she was doing blah, blah, blah. AND NOW,.. I am on the same level. Thank God.

    I STILL, need to lose more weight but I am heading in the right direction.:bigsmile: Now, I am proud of how I look, not the little fatty I use to be.

    When I would go out to eat, in my fatty life, I would be so upset when everyone else had stopped eating and I wanted to eat more. THANK GOD I AM OVER THAT. :bigsmile: Now I either leave some on my plate or take it home for later.

    Sorry about the rant, I just had to put that out there.

    Well, enjoy your Sunday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Thank you, Esther, for setting up this challenge for March. I am pretty new to MFP and am so excited about becoming part of a group. My husband is very supportive. But the new friends on MFP are something I've never had before.

    I'm doing well with some things so far. I want to continue with what works as well as add some new stuff.

    I love my scale and get on it at least twice a day. We have conversations. It tells me what a great job I'm doing. I've lost some weight. Then it reminds me that even though I've done well I still have a whole lot more to lose. It reminds me to keep doing what I'm doing.

    Too much challenge makes me crazy so I'm going to set realistic goals for the month of March:

    *lose 4 pounds
    *continue to track my food every day
    *continue to follow my very recently started weight training routine two days a week
    *get on the stationary bike every day when we're home

    I already go to line dance classes three days a week, walk the dogs on the hill every morning, and take the dogs to the dog park four days a week where I walk for 20 or more minutes while they play.

    The sun is shining and the snow is melting. It's bound to be a great day.:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • josoleil
    josoleil Posts: 17
    Thank you Esther, I'm 53, and so glad to have found MFP. This site is now to me. I'm from Québec,Canada so my selection of words could be funny at time, please be patient.
    I love to exercise, 3x/week a go to the gym for a 1h45 work-out and the other day , I walk , snowshoing et ex at home. My problem is bad selection of food and sometimes too much.
    But I'm working on it.
    My goal is to have 5 selection of fruit and veg. a day. Water 6 glasses.:drinker:
    Glad to be part of the 50+
  • josoleil
    josoleil Posts: 17
    :embarassed: my goal is to lose 4 lbs.
  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    :flowerforyou: Hi all!!! :flowerforyou:

    ..thanks Esther for starting the new thread...and I love the idea of a monthly goal...I'm weighing & measuring tomorrow & will add my goals according to what I find tomorrow...:noway:

    ...Have a great day everyone & I'll check back in tomorrow..

    :heart: vee
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Welcome newbies and welcome back not so newbies:wink:
    This is a fun inspirational thread. Hope you will hang in there and be back each day to check in and to get inspired as well as be an inspiration to others.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Grammy - I have a dream vacation coming up in June. The WHOLE family will be together for a tropical diving vacation for the first time in a very long while. I'm so excited I can hardly hang on! Hubby & I will be there for a whole month, the kids will come as they can.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Thank you Ester for starting this thread.
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone.

    Thanks Esther for starting the new thread:flowerforyou:

    My goal for March is to continue on the new improved me:bigsmile: After all I have a wedding to attend in April and I want to look/feel the very best I can.

    I had a busy day cooking, cooking and laundry. Took a little break from the rigorous workout schedule I have been normally doing on a daily basis and did some pilates and stretching this afternoon and an hour on my treadmill and stationary bike this evening. Tomorrow I will start Level 3 of the Biggest Loser Bootcamp workout in addition to my other routine.

    My goal is to continue to increase my workout to burn a minumum of 700 calories per day and add to that amount each week. Thank goodness for my HRM:heart: Another goal is to try a new workout DVD each week. I have quite a collection to chose from so it will be good to experience and challenge myself.

    Best wishes to everyone:flowerforyou:
  • committed
    committed Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread! :happy:

    My goal is to lose 5 lbs.
  • angel_wings47
    Thanks, Esther, for starting the new challenge for March. This will be an interesting month for me. We are headed to Las Vegas this coming Thursday . . . . and, well, you know "What Happens In Vegas, stays in Vegas"--athough I don't think I can fool the scale! LOL :blushing: I just completed my 27 minutes on my stationary bike. My legs are still sore when I get done so I think I will wait until next week to add minutes. :ohwell:

    My goals for March: :bigsmile:
    *Lose 5 lbs.
    *Track my food on the weekends! (This is a real struggle for me.)
    *Begin weight training -- 3 times per week.

    Talk to you later . . . . have an awesome day!! :flowerforyou:
